Please register using the link below. The early-bird conference fee is heavily subsidised and thus is just £25. There is also an optional conference dinner on the 30th July in Somerville College's historic dining hall, presenting unique networking opportunities. The three-course meal includes wine. The combined conference+dinner fee is £50.
To apply for poster or oral presentations, please follow the link below and follow the guidelines for abstract submission. Poster presenters also have the option of applying for a two-minute flash talk. Please submit the application to using the subject line 'Abstract submission Your Name' (insert your name).
Oral Abstract Deadline: closed
Poster Abstract Deadline: 17th May 2019
Accommodation is available at our conference venue - Worcester College (subject to availability). The college has beautiful grounds, and is located in central Oxford. Please follow the link below and reserve your room using the promotion code ChemBiOx2019:
There is further accommodation available via the University College Accommodation website:
Somerville College Dining Hall
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